Thursday, June 5, 2008

No Hablo Espanol

It has been my experience that most people judge a book by its cover. I know that I am guilty of it myself. When I see someone of a particular height, dress, etc. I initially assume that they are of a certain race or religion. In addition I assume they speak the language of their native countries that I have assigned to them. So it should come as no surprise that I when I experience the same assumptions placed upon me I should accept it as it is. However, this was not the case the other day. While working a temp job a man approached me in the lobby of the hotel I was working at to ask me about a particular car service he was waiting on. His first question was ..."Do you speak English?". I was insulted and a little embarrassed. There were several people around me and they seemed to be just as shocked as I was. To the gentleman's credit he meant no ill harm by his question. I don't think he even thought about what he had just asked me. Nonetheless it was a humbling experience. I replied by saying I speak better English than Spanish. He smiled and continued on with his inquiry. After all was said and done I was a bit angry, but the question remains if I do the same thing do I have the right to be upset if someone does it to me? I would never ask such a question. however I would think it. Is it any worse for him to ask it than me thinking it? I guess in the grand scheme of it all it is the same. I do not speak fluent Spanish and I have experienced the same inquiries about my language speaking skills by people of my own nationality. It seems that this judgement about myself will continue on forever. English is my first language, but some people outside my nationality will assume I speak only Spanish. Meanwhile people of my nationality will assume I speak fluent Spanish. It is a stereotype I will always live with, but I have to tell myself judge not lest ye be judged. With that note I must say I am really craving a taco right now.

1 comment:

JOEY said...

????? I thought you were Filipino?