Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Puff Puff

I recently tried to quit smoking. I failed. I am now 31 years old and am trying to be healthier. I eat right. I get some exercise, and take care of things as needed. However my one big vice is smoking. I don't use drugs, I avoid sweets as much as possible, and although I do enjoy a cocktail I know my limit there. All these things and I cannot break my smoking habit. I grew up in a smoking family. My grandpa smoked a cigarette while eating supper. My mother enjoyed a few years of smoking but was able to kick the habit. I can't seem to do it. It has gotten to the point that I no longer feel the side effects of it. There was a time when I would wake up with a sore throat and hacking up tar. I miss those times because it always cautioned me to skip a few that day. Now my poor body has just accepted this and I no longer have side effects. It is a gross and might I add expensive habit to have. It is a horrible nasty addiction. They have gotten so expensive in Chicago that I now drive to Indiana to purchase them. It might as well be crack and I'm Amy Winehouse. Alomost everyone in my social circle smokes. My partner and I plan weekend trips to Indiana just to buy them. Its ridiculous. Friends of ours who drive to Indiana for work always call us to see if we need them picked up for us. I know I need to stop but its a hard habit to break. I decided to try again next weekend. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

JOEY said...

I know what you mean. I have been trying to kick my cocaine and heroin habit for years. I only do them when I drink so basically....everyday!